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TitleSeriesBible Passage(s)SpeakerDate Preached
Gospel Foundations 2The GospelRomans 9:1–28Dan Shepheard2024-07-21
Gospel Foundations 1The GospelGalatians 5:2-12Dan Shepheard2024-07-14
Kids take over CrossroadsKids SermonsJohn 2:1-11Dan Shepheard2024-06-30
Living With GodApproaching God - LeviticusLeviticus 23:1-8, Leviticus 26:1-13, Luke 14:15-24Mike Hall2024-06-23
Living with GodNo seriesLeviticus 17:1–4Mike Hall2024-06-16
Day of AtonementApproaching God - LeviticusLeviticus 16:11–28Mike Hall2024-06-09
John 8:12–20JohnJohn 8:12–20Dan Shepheard2024-06-02
John 7:14–24JohnJohn 7:14–24Dan Shepheard2024-05-26
John 6:60–71JohnJohn 6:60–71Dan Shepheard2024-05-19
Jesus Speaking TruthJohnJohn 5:31-47Dan Shepheard2024-05-12

© Crossroads Presbyterian Church 2022

25 Tasma St, North Hobart TAS 7000, Australia